1000 Piece Project Update

Hello friends! It has been quite a while since I have gotten a chance to sit down and write an update! This year has been so interesting, but it has also been busy! At this time, I have completed all the vendor shows that I will be a part of this year, and I am finishing up some holiday commissions I agreed to do. I still have miles to go before the end of the year, but the focus will shift after this week.

I am sitting at 650 pieces thrown for the year. Finishing up this project can go one of three ways. 1) I can stop altogether, call it a great year, and eat Christmas cookies. 2) I can put my nose to the grindstone and finish out these 350 pieces in the next 26 days. 3) I can get as close as I can to 1000 pieces and be proud of the progress I’ve made this year.

I am hoping for option number 2, but I think I will land at option 3. We will have to wait and see.

I am excited to write a wrap-up post about how much I have learned this year! That should be coming to you in the next few weeks. Until then, you can follow along on my Instagram @trishbpottery. I have a running count in my bio.

What do you think? Will I make it to 1000? Should I try for as many as I can? Should I stop and eat Christmas cookies? Let me know!